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Our Services
Autism Supports & CBDS Program
Venture Advancement Center – Realizing Possibilities
Services are based out of our offices located at 1 Picker Road, Sturbridge
For more info contact: Francesca Rafferty
Program Overview:

The Venture Advancement Center benefits young adults (18+) in the central Massachusetts community who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This transitional program focuses on assisting with the training, education and social skills required to find meaningful employment. In general, engagement in meaningful work provides a host of benefits in addition to compensation and self-sufficiency. Most people, regardless of ability, will derive a sense of purpose from their work.
The Advancement Center also has a Community Based Day Supports (CBDS) component for individuals with intellectual and other disabilities. CBDS focuses on meaningful community activities to help individuals reach their personal goals. Including volunteering, wellness programs, skill development, interpersonal skills and more.
The program can be customized for participant’s needs:
- Assessment – program staff (Registered Behavior Technicians) will meet with individuals to complete a job interest inventory and a skills assessment and help identify employment or educational options. We also use tools such as Virtual Job Shadow, Coursera, and BodySwaps
- Clinical Support – Venture offers rigorous, ongoing work-related social skills training administered by a Licensed Applied Behavior Analyst who has extensive experience working with people with ASD. Clinical staff will complete assessments related to the individual’s goals and potential obstacles and an individualized treatment plan will be developed. Treatment goals are individual-specific but could include managing emotions, coping skills, receiving feedback, engaging in cooperative task, active listening, understanding rules or procedures, and self-regulation skills. Sessions will be conducted both individually and in groups.
- Internship Program – The internship model allows participants to gain real-world experience in a safe setting while developing their skills and building their résumé. Venture will collaborate with its own human resources department, other agencies, and local businesses to provide site-specific internship opportunities.
- Competitive Employment – once individuals have completed the internship track, program staff will work with them to secure permanent employment. The final stages of employment readiness activities will include resume writing, practice interviews, job searching, application assistance, and other preparation. Transportation for these activities will be provided as needed. Venture is a community partner with Work Without Limits.
- Job Coaching – individuals will receive personalized, comprehensive job coaching based on input from their employer and program staff. These plans will include fading support over time, based on the individual’s work performance.
- College Navigation – staff will help individuals manage the college exploration and application process, if applicable. Staff will also be available to provide ongoing coaching and support during the student’s academic career, connecting them to available resources. Our partner school is Quinsigamond Community College.
- Community Based Day Supports – For individuals not focused on an immediate employment goal, they can choose to take part in the CBDS experience. This program focuses on leisure, volunteer, community based activities, career exploration, and job readiness activities.
Community Programs
Venture Community Outreach Team sponsors free sensory friendly events for kids with autism and other special needs throughout the year like: adaptive yoga classes, a halloween event, magic shows, movies and more. For more information on these events please contact Kelsey Mondor at 774-922-1135