Heroes Act not Heals Act

August 10, 2020
Posted By: Kerrie Mason

We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything our country has experienced in our lifetime.  People are suffering and struggling through no fault of their own.  This makes what the U.S. Senate has done utterly unfathomable: why have they deliberately decided that people with disabilities and the professionals who help them don’t matter??  It is an appalling admission that, as a body, the people who now control the Senate just don’t care. 

Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Heroes Act.  It included billions of dollars that would specifically support the needs of people with developmental disabilities and those who care for this historically marginalized population.  By the way, the amazing professionals who do this work so well year after year have also been historically marginalized.  The Senate, in response to this bill, passed the Heals Act.  It completely ignores the aforementioned groups.  How in the world is this okay???  I understand the need for various aid to big business to help the economy but I will never understand the choice to not help people who have so little and the experts who show up every day to help them in virtual anonymity.  It is, in a word, disgraceful.  Most importantly, it cannot go unnoticed.  Not this time.

People should flood Senate leader Mitch McConnell with emails and phone calls asking him to explain why the Senate will not prioritize people with disabilities and the selfless support staff who help them in groups homes, day programs, and the community.  We all owe each of these people this much. 

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