Visit with Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito
August 13, 2015
Posted By: admin
Venture Community Services would like to extend our thanks to Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, State Senator Anne Gobi, and State Representative Todd Smola for visiting today. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to introduce members of state government to our Sturbridge Day Program, our dedicated staff members, and our administrative offices. We are always grateful for the chance to talk about the incredible working being done by our staff members every day of the year. We also enjoyed exchanging thoughts and ideas about the future of autism services, life skills training for transitional populations, foster care for both children and adults, and our plans to build a new facility to expand community support in Central Massachusetts. After a visit to the day program, the conversation turned to discussion of the human services industry and our commitment to innovative solutions to complex social problems, including community based treatment and support services for families through the Department of Children and Families.
Be sure to visit Lieutenant Governor Polito’s Twitter profile to see more about her visit.
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