We Can’t Allow Medicaid To Be Cut
February 24, 2025
Posted By: Mike Hyland
A crisis suddenly looms for people with disabilities, as well as their families and the agencies that support them. This week in Washington D.C., the House of Representatives will hold a vote to decide if the Committee on Energy and Commerce will be required to cut almost a trillion dollars over ten years. This is the committee that oversees Medicaid and the damage that such cuts could inflict on the program have the potential to be catastrophic.
The committee also has oversight for things other than Medicaid, most notably Medicare. However, even if the committee were to de-fund everything other than Medicaid and Medicare there would still be approximately $375 billion that would need to be cut in order to reach the minimum of $880 billion in spending that the committee would need to eliminate. Speaker of The House, Mike Johnson, has stated many times that Medicare won’t be cut so that leaves Medicaid firmly on the chopping block. In Massachusetts, Medicaid is MassHealth. Cuts to Medicaid would immediately endanger the state budget as well as access to day programs, clinical supports, recreational opportunities, healthcare, and community inclusion for all of the people receiving supports at Venture and every other agency. The upcoming vote in D.C. is a grave threat that cannot be ignored, one that would undo generations of fighting for dignity and opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. Members of Congress who would turn a blind eye to this threat are nothing less than a disgrace.
It is important that anyone who opposes these outrageous cuts makes their voice heard. The current Chairperson of the Committee on Energy and Commerce has wanted to cut Medicaid for years and is now in a position to do so with the help of the newly sworn in Congress. These cuts would fundamentally change the lives of people with disabilities and their families while firmly altering the way agencies can provide services (and pay staff). The committee can be reached at 202-225-3641 during regular business hours and citizens have every right to be heard by those who would make decisions that would harm individuals and families. Anyone who feels so inclined should call that number and respectfully request that those who have been marginalized by society for far too long be a priority in any budget, not a target.
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